Tuesday, July 15, 2008

the celebration to end all celebrations

Despite the lameness of this week, there is a lot of funny shit that has gone on whether its on purpose or on accident due to sheer stupidity. When people say "pictures are worth a thousand words"... they meant this picture:

Join The Dark Side,
Holy shit, that is side splitting.

Here are some of my favorite stupid things i have heard or been told in the last two days:

1) "KFC is so inhumane, let's go to McDonalds."

2) (in a deep metal singers voice) "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus"

3) some asshole had the balls to put his hand on my shoulder, look me in the eye and say, "Be straight." you have go to be fucking kidding me

4)"let's go to world youth day"


however, there was this one girl who approched me on the walk home yesterday and asked if she could have a hug. This request was fair, and completely made my day. Thank you, small Irish woman, wherever you are.

Toknight is Dark Knight at the largest IMAX in the world. Chicago is the true Gotham City.

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