Sunday, July 13, 2008

so what if i go to hell... at least all of my friends will be there.

Now is the time where World Youth Day has begun in sydney, and it's fucking horrible. Here we have a half a million extra bodies (that sydney doesnt have room for) piling in to celebrate the world's youth. Sure, thats a great idea, lets do it for the kids. but wait, nope, this event is highly religious, and what better way to fuck a kid up than putting them under the influence of a following gone completely wrong: Catholicism. Honestly, if jesus were here today and saw what his following had become, i am almost positive he would be completely disappointed, upset, and probably even a little creeped out. I mean look, we have a hippy dude who cruised the lands in his day teaching people how to live a moral and wholesome lives. do you think he would be impressed that wars are fought over him? Do you think he would be happy to know that an event intended to celebrate the youth of the world is brought to us by a bunch of pedophiles that have been sworn into a life to preach to word of god? how disappointing. These priests get caught left and right doing unspeakable things to little boys. Jesus ain't down with that. For example lets look into the theme of this years world youth day '08:

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses.

that sounds like porn.

"World Youth Day is being held in Sydney Australia from the 15th to the 20th of July 2008. It is a religious event that values faith over reason, mythology over fact, and dogma over science. Targeted as it is to 'youth', this makes it especially counterproductive to the advancement of humanity."

religion is so cultist and iffy. we should all try believing in ourselves and each other for once... because obviously a life of too much submersion into god and Christianity can lead to a world without reason and the uncontrollable desire for boys under 10 years old.

anyhoo, what really matters is the women in sydney are still great....

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