Tuesday, July 22, 2008

keep your hands off my dip bitch

taco night was nothing short of epic. i made a fantastic multi-layer dip that really had the crowd going. since they dont have refried beans, an essential ingredient to any dip, i had to improvise. first i started with 500g of well spiced certified australian angus beef. then we topped it with barbeque baked beans, salsa, olives, and 500g of mozzarella. boom! threw that bitch in the oven for about five minutes till the cheese was brown along the edge, then dropped off a dollop of sour cream and serve. excelente! Plus i just got word that one of the people has the shits today because of it.

"dude, your dip gave me the worst shits"

Thats how you know its good.

for the list:

-"i was taking a dump on the potty"
-"best fucking night of my life"
-"shit happens when you party naked"
-"UofD, NBD"
-mario kart
-free pizza from the program advisors


Unknown said...

you make a parent proud

Unknown said...

mom said so

Meg Elizabeth said...

that dip sounds absolutely horrible..

Virgil said...

why are you guys signed in as me? or is lower case virgil different from uppercase Virgil?

hansolo said...

I see your rommates got a taste of the infamous "Virgil's State-Wide Nachos" cooked so many a night back in Athens.